Here's how you can check the compression at home.
Let's just remember that Wankel's engine is influenced by many factors. E.g. Flooded new engine, which normally has over 8.5 bar at 270 rpm can show us the value of even 3 bars so despite all the measurements I suggest to consult with people involved in the subject to avoid unnecessary repairs.
So let's get to work.
1. Take off the left front wheel
2We unscrew both bottom spark plugs (we measure on their threads)
3. Under the hood, we remove the air filter (in the HP version we remember about the negative pressure at the back as we can break the hose or the solenoid valve connector), remove the flexible connector from the throttle (here I would also advise gently with three hoses reaching it. Plastic connectors break very easily. Best catch with pliers and gently slide)
4. We unplug the plugs from 4 ignition coils. (necessarily because with the plugs removed we will burn the coils and the connected upper spark plug will distort the measurement and even trashed motor will spit out 10 bar)
5. We remove the fuel pump fuse
6. We connect the OBD device to read the revolutions during the measurement.
7. We measure with a manometer in turn on both rotors, turning the starter about 4 to max 5 seconds. with clutch and gas pedals pressed into the floor.
8. We interpret the results of pressure and RPM according to the table

author: Tomasz Gronowski